BNE@RUB - Bildung für nachhaltigke Entwicklung in Studium und Lehre

We support learning and teaching on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals!

A project of the Centre for Teaching and Learning, the Optionalbereich and the Professional School of Education

We support learning and teaching on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals!

A project of the Centre for Teaching and Learning, the Optionalbereich and the Professional School of Education

About the project

BNE@RUB aims to bundle, network and further develop previous efforts to anchor sustainability in teaching in order to establish ESD more broadly at the university.

BNE@RUB is aimed at students and teachers at the Ruhr University. Educational opportunities on the Sustainable Development Goals are to be created for students in the form of self-learning opportunities and seminars. For teachers

the project offers advanced training in university didactics and advice on ESD in their courses.

Audimax der RUB
© RUB, Marquad
Studentin mit Laptop auf Wiese
Monstera Productions,

For students

We develop a self-study programme in which you can independently deal with the SDGs. Together with a seminar, this can be credited as a module for the Optionalbereich, the Sustainability Certificate and, if applicable, also in your subject studies.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Studentin mit Laptop auf Wiese
Monstera Productions,

For lecturers

We are developing a training and advisory service for the implementation on the SDGs and ESD in your teaching.

We will be happy to advise you on questions relating to ESD in your course.

Zwei Personen arbeiten fröhlich nebeneinander an einem Tisch
Flamingo Images,


BNE@RUB sees itself as a part of the implementation of the mission statement „Sustainable RUB 2030“, which aims to anchor sustainibility in the University.

RUB is as one of 20 Universitys part of the community of practice „Transformative Skills für Nachhaltigkeit“ des Stifterverbandes, in which members of the project participate.

The project ist closely associated with the Sustainibility Cerificate, that students can acquire during their studies. Furthermore the project is connected to thinktank sustainibility.



The development towards a sustainable life and a sustainable society is the central challenge of our time, which is becoming increasingly virulent, especially due to advancing climate change and its consequences, but also due to other ecological problems, pandemics, war and social inequalities. In education as well as in research, universities therefore have a duty to participate in a transformation of society and to actively advance it.

RUB is guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which follow a broad concept of sustainability in the sense of ecological, social and economic sustainability. UNESCO has identified Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a central element for its implementation. In Germany this is written down in the National Acion Plan on ESD 

, which includes different areas of education and aims to structurally establish ESD.

ESD is part of the concrete implementation of SDG4: Quality Education. At the same time, it is a building block for the implementation of all goals, as it enables the SDGs to occur in different educational contexts and thus become better known and critically discussed. ESD means building competences that are necessary for the transformation to a sustainable society and that therefore particularly combine knowledge, reflection, attitude and action.

The National Action Plan on ESD also prescribes binding goals for the higher education sector that must be achieved by 2030. In addition to the policy, which is to create the corresponding framework conditions, these also affect all internal university actors. For example, researchers and lecturers are to undergo further training in order to integrate sustainability-related research more strongly into teaching and to develop new teaching formats in the sense of ESD. Student projects should also be more strongly integrated into teaching so that the university as a whole experiences a sustainable transformation.


Research Assistant

Anna-Katharina Hans
GAFO 04/914
Tel.: 0234/32-29228

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